[TI-H] Re: TiDrive (Was PIXpander & Stuff)


[TI-H] Re: TiDrive (Was PIXpander & Stuff)

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 25 April 2002 08:45, you wrote:
> Could you point me somewhere then? I know a couple online places, but I
> would prefer a retail store near Seattle, WA. 

Active has a store in Seattle.  The are great guys to deal with, all kinds of 
parts and connectors, test equipment, and other crap.  Their prices are 
higher, but keeping mind they are retail chain, not mail orger like mouser.

> Plus I would hardly call
> the 16F84 'easy to find' since it has been discontinued for over a year.
> I could grab a 16F84A, but the original F84 seems to be just as good.

The 16f84A is pin-for-pin compatible with the 16F84, and the 16C84.  I had a 
PC keyboard to Amiga project  I built that needed a 16C84.  I just 
reassembled the code for the 16F84A and it worked.  You might need to change 
the load caps to a higher value that's all.

Let us know how it turns out, as one of the few people that built a working 
Expander 2, I don't have much of need for it, but others will.  (hell I don't 
even turn on my calc more that once or twice per month!)

- -- 
Bryan Fields, KB9MCI
Question authority.
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Bryan Fields, KB9MCI
Glib's Fourth Law of Unreliability:
	Investment in reliability will increase until it exceeds the
	probable cost of errors, or until someone insists on getting
	some useful work done.
