[TI-H] Re: OT [Fwd: Fwd: : PRECIOUS!]


[TI-H] Re: OT [Fwd: Fwd: : PRECIOUS!]

I think it was kinda funny a story and I immediately forwarded it to many of
my friends. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a christian myself either, I'm a
pagan and mostly a wiccan, but the story and the way it was told was funny
and brought warmth to my cold and rainy afternoon and we should leave it at
that. I think posts like this add a nice little touch of colour to the list
coming by rarely. If they were to come on a weekly or even monthly basis,
I'd call it distracting and maybe inappropriate and also as there seem to be
some of us that don't like it, these posts should probably be left off,
though accidents ofcourse happen.

   Markus Räty

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam Thayer" <krevinek@matrix-z.net>
To: <ti-hardware@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 4:31 AM
Subject: [TI-H] Re: OT [Fwd: Fwd: : PRECIOUS!]

> --- "Nick" <zaphod@coe.neu.edu>
> > wrote:
> >
> >the world's oldest propaganda machine - religion.
> >
> >--nick
> Not exactly how I would put it... but close. Religion is more along the
lines of the most *abused* part of culture, being used as an excuse to
control/persecute others. Although I guess if you don't lump Faith/Belief
and Religion into the same category, then you are right... Faith is swell,
but 'Religion' is dangerous at times. (ex: Holocaust, Inquisition, Crusades,
etc) I just wish that something this off-topic and touchy of a subject
doesn't come up again. If it wasn't written by someone so young, I would
have been offended by a couple of the remarks (Christian and Atheist are not
the only options...), being of non-Christian belief myself. That said, I
forgive the mistake, just please keep things like this off a list where a
diverse group might read and take offense.
> -Krev
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