Re: TI-H: Time reminder!


Re: TI-H: Time reminder!

From: Paul Kafasis <>
> Hmm, my Mac sets my clock automagically for DST, and reverts out of it
> when it's over. It's pretty nifty, but I gotta asssume Wintel boxes can
> do the same. Am I wrong? Also, even if they can't, Wintel boxes DO have
> network time synch, right?

Yes, windows handles both of those.  From a command prompt you can use the
'net time' command to syncronize the clock to your domain controllers clock.
If you don't have a domain controller you have to use a third party tool,
such as SocketWatch (as far as I am aware anyway).

An out of the box windows system does not contain anything to let you
syncronize to NISTs clocks.
