RE: TI-H: Radio switch


RE: TI-H: Radio switch

All networks slow down when there is usage...

In AK, we are guaranteed the bandwidth we buy.  There is a sattelite and a
few dozen T1s that go to the lower 48.  If there isn't enough bandwidth for
the cable modem users, the dialup users are thrown onto the sattelite.

>Also, did I hear this right? The cable modems are sort of like the old token
>ring networks, where if one person on the network is essentially hogging
>bandwidth, it slows down everyone else? (I wouldn't think that it would be
>too noticeable, except if you live in the center of New York, at 5:30, when
>everyone in the city is on their computers) I know that the ADSL lines that
>the phone company I'm with is putting in, it eliminates this "bandwidth
>sharing" problem (if you want to call it a problem). I also noticed that our
>ADSL lines are supporting 10mbits both ways (up & down). Kinda cool,
>downlaod & upload at the same speed, enven though most systems have enough
>bandwith problems keeping up with a T3 over normal internet (only gets to
>about 150K/sec over normal internet(from what I've observed)).
>-jeff dezur
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of David Knaack
>Sent:	Friday, January 08, 1999 11:18 PM
>To:	TI Hardware
>Subject:	Fw: TI-H: Radio switch
>From: Grant Stockly <>
>>How fast up/down and whats your d/l limit before you have to pay extra?
>Upload speed is 768kbps, and the hardware supports up to 27Mbps
>download, but I think the system will be limited to 10Mbps.
>Naturally this is peak sustainable, actual speeds will depend on
>the hardware, the system load and the speed of the site sourcing
>the data.
>Service info hasn't mentioned any data limitations, but its not complete
>yet either, I expect they hide that data until you get your bill :)

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