TI-H: Since the list has been DEAD lately... (off topic too :)


TI-H: Since the list has been DEAD lately... (off topic too :)

Since this list has been dead lately, and I think I've received 3 messages
in the past 3 days, here's something to talk about. I'm trying to make a
sort of "remote" for my computer. Now you're probably thinking "why does he
need a remote for his computer? Just use the mouse!" well, the problem is
the computer's in my car. it does all the necessities, like play mp3s, do
the GPS thing, play more mp3s, play an audio cd, etc... and it all gets
outputted onto the color LCD display panel. Now, its running win95 (the gps
only has software for it under '95), and I want to get rid of the little
touchpad mouse I've got for it. I have it set up so the GPS is fullscreened
when I turn it on, and the mp3 player is just in the bottom left corner just
outta the way, but its active so I can control it, and still see the gps.
but, I need to move it back & forth when I want to play something different.
ITS A PAIN IN THE &%*. well, I was wanting to know, since the com port in
the computer is used for the gps, is there a way to design a remote control
using the input lines off the parallel port? the screen uses part of the
parallel port that I modified to be a power plug (giving the necessary +5,
+12, etc. I hacked at it & changed it.) so I can take it apart later w/o
cutting wires. Well, what I was thinking, was that I needed like 12 buttons
for the control of it, but the parallel port only has 5 that I can use
directly w/o a lot of work. Is there a way that I could make a PIC or
something that could scan the 12 buttons, notice a change, and send it
through the port on only 4 wires (seems like the right number if I used a
bit of math, then I could use 1+0+0+0 to be like play, 0+1+0+0 for pause,
Well, I have no idea how to write the code for this, and know a little bit
of c++ and primarily visual basic (easyest to learn), but programming a PIC,
well, thats outta my knowledge. I've looked it up on the internet, and I
know how to make the programmer for it, but thats about it. Anyone wanna

-jeff d

P.S. Sorry if the message is too long.. Got carried away.. and sorry its off
topic, but it DOES hafta do with programming. :)
