Re: TI-H: Re: Indiglo Backlight


Re: TI-H: Re: Indiglo Backlight

Great, could you post those plans on  Also, does anyone know
where I can get an EL panel for my calc?
-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, February 11, 1998 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: Re: Indiglo Backlight

>EL panels require about 400VRMS and 5mARMS...Get a 614-0015 transformer,
>27k 3KV capicitor, a 184 cap.  I've done some work with EL panels before, I
>just wanted to see what you guys came up with.  But, I just couldn't hold
>my self!  Okay.  To add brightness you will need 2 electrolite caps, but we
>don't.  You might also need a coil and diode, but under certian
>circumstances.  It would also be nice to have a filter on the DC comming in
>since when the link port acts up it messes up signals.
>There.  I don't have time to make it, but one of you should.  Just give me
>some credit...  :)
>Btw, if you want, I'll give you guys the plans to a very small EL inverter
>I made a while ago, I would be able to give them on about saturday or
>sunday since I'm real busy with the printer driver/8x EuP driver/and
>> I have an inverter designed to drive a large LCD pannel EL pannel
>>except it runs on 12 volts, and its 3"inches long and 3/4" wide...
>>(long and skinny) so maybee it could be reduced in size, but i think you
>>will need a powerfull inverter for a calc lcd sized EL app.
>>i dont think a wrist watch one would work
>>althouh you could get the basic gist of it from that and then
>>use components of sufficient power ect.
>>i will try to map it right now......ill get back to u latter.
>>>From Wed Feb 11 08:04:29 1998
>>>Received: (from majordom@localhost)
>>>       by (8.8.8/8.8.7) id QAA29425
>>>       for ti-hardware-outgoing; Wed, 11 Feb 1998 16:56:18 +0100
>>>Message-ID: <>
>>>X-Originating-IP: []
>>>From: "Richard Piotter" <>
>>>Subject: Re: TI-H: Re: Indiglo Backlight
>>>Content-Type: text/plain
>>>Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 07:55:20 PST
>>>Precedence: list
>>>I mapped out the TI-85 schematic, so mapping out the schematic of the
>>>inverter in an indiglo watch should be a piece of cake! I may get an
>>>indiglo watch from K-mart when they go on sale, take it apart, and
>>>recreate the inverter. Then use a calc screen sized EL panel and see if
>>>I can drive it off of 4 AAA batts and see how long it runs!
>>>Simple job to do, just real fun putting everything together and finding
>>>Richard Piotter
>>>>I got it as a gift, so I don't know the answer to either question, but
>>>>I've seen more of them around.  Check out your local department store.
>>>> I'll ask around my dorm if anyone has one I'll find out where they
>>>>got it.
>>>>I took it apart and the indiglo panel is about .5"x1.5", it has a
>>>>small panel on each end that connects to the leads on the clock's
>>>>---Richard Piotter <> wrote:
>>>>> Where'd you get it and what did it cost. I want to check this thing
>>>>> out!!!
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >It's Indiglo from Timex.  The real thing, as near as I can tell.
>>>>> >Looks the same brightness throughout.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >---Richard Piotter <> wrote:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> If it's the Radio Shack Travel Clock, well, I hate to but=rst
>>>>> >> bubble, but it's not Indiglo. It's realy crappy LED backlighting.
>>>>> >Very
>>>>> >> few Clocks I've seen are indiglo. Is it very, very, very bright,
>>>>> >is
>>>>> >> it got brighter sides and a dimmer center. It's indiglo if the
>>>>> >> screen is very bright and all the same brightness
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> >I've got an indigo clock that runs on one AAA battery.  The
>>>>> >is
>>>>> >> >only 2" x .5" but if you could find a bigger one, wouldn't that
>>>>> >> >better than trying to get 120V AC?  (It might still be a drain
>>>>> the
>>>>> >> >batteries though, because my clock only lights up for a few
>>>>> >> >when you push a button, and you would want constant power to
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> >
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