Re: TI-H: Is this the TI-Hardware list?


Re: TI-H: Is this the TI-Hardware list?

k heres what i have to say...

> I'm just curious if this is the TI-Hardware list.  It seems that
> everyone here talks about anything, except for Hardware issues on TI
> calcs.  Mostly it seems like boasting and arguing.  Is there any
sort of
> list moderator?
> At any rate,
> Does anyone have a bare-bones code for receiving and sending CBL
> protocol?  I'm programming PICs, but can convert that code from
> anything.  I simply don't want to re-invent the wheel, if somebody's
> done it.
> -Adam
> P.S.  No, I don't want to hear about AVR, or any other alternative
> I don't want to hear about:
> 1) whether your MP3 software doesn't work

well mine does, i have started to get mp3's, so one question anyone
know where a good reliabel mp3 site is?

> 2) whether a certian processor implements cisc or risc

i would, i dont really know much about either of those, so any
information would be really cool to hear

> 3) which computer is faster or slower or more powerful or does things
> like make you lunch.

k i have everthing from a vic20 commodore, two commodore 64's, a 186,

> 4) how you think you can make a useful machine from a bunch of old
> computers

HEY! dont pick on the old folks allright?

> 5) why you run more than one OS on a system at a time

used to run a dual LILO boot, win95/Redhat linux mix

> 6) your internet prowess, IP address, own domain name, ping

well i have a website, chat on icq frequently, love to get info off
the net, and see new things invented because of it

> 7) how to obtain software illegally

typically i goto some friends, ask them, anyone else have any good
sites to get pirated proggies?

> 8) how awsome you think you are at programming, thinking, farting,

i can program in pascal for the mac, basic for the mac, java, i am not
the best programmer in the world, but not the worst either.

i can think well, and am dam proud of it

ohhhhhhhh and farting, man if i could upload smells....

K in short, calm down... its a mailing list, not school/work/ or any
one "watched" system.  let people be what the are HUMAN!

- nathan wainwright (

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