Re: TI-H: Motion control and a UNIVERSAL Interface


Re: TI-H: Motion control and a UNIVERSAL Interface

Richard Piotter wrote:

> My request...
> Info/samples for the I2C 8-Bit interface chip.

Here in Finland it (the PCF8574) costs about 40 FIM, $8 in USD.
Not sure about the situation in the US, but it's quite expensive.
It's made by Philips, check out
and look for information (datasheets at least) there.

> Time 
> Most of all, someone who is good with I2C programming and knows how to
> access multiple I2C chips.

Accessing multiple I2C chips is almost as easy as accessing one.
Just give each one a different address.

> A type of driver might be feasible, and then programs could read and
> send data through the driver. This would make a standard interface that
> anyone could use to run any setup of the hardware. There might even be
> extra lines on one of the I2C interface chis, so it might be possible to
> increase the number of possible I/O lines. The system uses a modular
> motherboard based system that can use a maximum of 64 cards, each with
> 24 I/O lines or 3 8-bit AD or DA converters. The book is from TAB and
> this would kick CBL's ASS!!!   q:

I think that's a bit overkill for a TI, even if it's old. It would be
too big, too expensive and, perhaps more significantly, too useless...
I think the I2C bus itself is a "solution" for the problem you are
trying to solve. It has room for enough devices, a type of device can
have a standard address (e.g. a D/A converter has address 64, memory
chips use addresses 100 through 120...fictious examples of course.), and
a device can be either a genuine I2C chip, a microcontroller, a TI, a
device wired to a PCF8574 or something even weirder. :)

> Wish me some luck! Pleeeease!!!    (;

Wish you luck on your useless project ;)

BTW, I'm soon going to release a new, faster and more reliable version
of the MultiMaster I2C routines...the current version is far from
optimal and it has some (minor) bugs...and I thought I could avoid
distributing buggy software :(
Also, the IR link is again under development, and I think I have a
well-working prototype ready soon...I've figured out some very important
things lately.

*** Osma Suominen *** ***

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