TI-H: SPinTerface: Cartridges and Description


TI-H: SPinTerface: Cartridges and Description

>I don't really know anything about programming, schematics, or
>anything.  Is there anyway I can get my calc memory, speed, and other
>things upgraded?  What exactly does the SPinTerface do?  Does it expand
>the mem? make it faster? or just make a way to add on those things?

It just adds on, but it makes adding on simple and easy. It is an 
extension of the link port and the power supply in one 10-pin connector. 
It has auto power on/off with insersion and removal of carts and the 
cartridges are small for most projects. Some are 1.5"x1"x1/4"!!! (The 
Extender uP cart will be thicker.)

My current designs, for those who don't know, or want to know what the 
SPinTerface is for!   :P    q:

My new Battery Extender actualy looks profesional and has a case that 
will hold 4 half height or 2 full height cartridges (or 2 half and a 
full). It has a cover hidden on the inside of the sliding cover, and is 
on the sliding cover. It is removable, and if you have a spare case, you 
caan revert back to using it if you like. I also have an AC power supply 
for it. I have the SF Expander Cart for the TI-85 and the temp sensor (1 
chip and multi chip versions), also for the 85, but hopefully soon for 
the 92 and others. I have a speaker cart for many of the calcs, and the 
Extender uP cart will be done soon (92). I am planning on building the 
IR link that was designed recently. If I see it work, then I'll post a 
SPinTerface version. I also have info on running the Light flasher on 
the SPinTerface.

I feel like I'm missing a cart, but there is the turbo job with switch. 
I also have an EXCELENT BACKLIGHT that lights the screen brightly and 
clearly from behind it (mirror is redone with a refractor and a 
diffuser, with the mirror behind it. It uses LEDs, but doesn't suffer 
from areas so dim they can't be read and it has NO PARTS STICKING OUT. 
It is 100% internal. Best of all, all these things fit into the calc 

I think this is a good description of my products that I'll build and I 
also post the designs as soon as I have time so other people can build 
them too. Like I said, not everything is up. My job is full time and 
eats my hours. As for this, I'll post it to the list as well so new 
users can read it.

I'll eventualy have everything posted. Don't worry!!!   C=

Go to my web page for more info on each design.

Richard Piotter

e-mail: richfiles@hotmail.com

home page: <A 

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