

Kevin Buck wrote:

>         This may sound a bit farfetched, but I just read an e-mail from a
> guy complaining about OS-85's size, and saying, it's not wothit without a
> mouse.  So I was just kinda suggesting/asking if anyone could possibly
> create an adapter, and shell to plug your mouse into the link port.  That
> way, you could navigate around the shell with your mouse.  And instead of a
> list of programs on the calc, having an icon that you could diplay with the
> program name underneath it.
>         I think that getting the calc to display the files as icons, won't
> be to dificult.  If you just used the cursor keys to switch between icons,
> it would be much cooler than a list.  Later, someone could develop the
> adapter, then integrate the movement into the shell. Well, I thought I would
> just type this up, and see what the responses would be.

Hey, the TI-85 only has 28.5k's of memory. Are you sure you wish to
waste some of it for mouse support? I don't. It's not impossible, but I
consider it quite unnecessary.


*** Osma Suominen *** ***
