RE: TI-H: $4 serial link


RE: TI-H: $4 serial link

i never was able 2 send stuff 2 my comp from the calc. i got fed up with tinkering and just baught the friggen $30 one from TI. it works great. no hassle. i highly reccomend it.
-Colin :-)

From: 	Matthew Fogle[]
Sent: 	Friday, July 04, 1997 11:02 PM
Subject: 	TI-H: $4 serial link

I was wondering if anyone could at least tell me if I did something
wrong when building this. I've built two $4 serial links now and they
both work just fine to send stuff to the calculator. However when trying
to send something back to the computer I always get checksum errors. Can
someone please give some advice???