Re: TI-H: IRC chat time and place


Re: TI-H: IRC chat time and place

>On Wed, 06 Nov 1996 15:58:14 +0000 Osma Suominen <>
>>When you have stpped arguing about the time and place, could someone
>>PLEASE post the time in GMT? I'm not very good at US time zones...
>hmm gmt. never heard of that.

GMT is stands for Greanch (big sp?) Mean Time.  This s time zone all others
around the world are based on.  I belive that CST is about -6 hours off of
GMT.  For those of you unfamilliar with CST it is the time in Chicago one
hour before the east coast (your at 8:00 we are 7:00) one hour after MST
(your 6:00 we are 7:00) and two hours before the west coast (your at 5:00
we are 7:00).  If I am right Alaska is in another time zone 3 hours before
CST (your at 4:00 we are at 7:00).  I hope this helps you sort out your
time zones.

Adam Kavan

If the world was perfect PI would be in all of our lives!

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