

At 08:13 PM 9/11/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I am a Hs Freshman, and bought a ti-85 calc. about 3 weeks ago, i have
>a couple of questions to ask:
>A: What is the best Asembly prog. out there ex zshell

I only use my 85 to share school programs with my friends, 
as they only have 85s, so I dont know

>b:Is there any way (program) to convert the ti86 files    to a ti 85~
>because i have heard that they a so much    alike.

only basic files, even then, there are several commands that don't port

>c: I have finally ordered the official ti-85 serial    link and am
>currently waiting for its arival~    anyway, what software can i use
>to send .85g or edit    locked files to my calc. because i heard that
>not    all software works with diffent link cables.

Download the (free) graphlink software from  It (un)groups, 
(un)uuecodes, and edits locked basic programs.

>D: What games or programs do you suggest? 

Gotta get (one of the versions of) Tetris

>I also wondered if anyone knows any web sites that have good asembly
>or Ti-Basic tutorials that are really helpful, because i have had a
>lot of practice with programing on Q-Basic and HTML and i am popular
>because i tend to catch on to things quickly, and i may become
>anothere programmer for the Ti-85! i really hope so... because of all
>of the programs i have allready downloaded from the internet! -> Programming
Also, I will repeat what is true, always look at the source of others!!

>Thanks for eveything!
>~ A loyal TI-8x Fan- FOREVER! ~

Jason Doering
ICQ # 11347435
Homepage soon at:

Sex on TV can't hurt you unless you fall off!
.ASM programmers drive stick shifts.
I keep my .BAT files in D:\BELFRY
I used to have a handle on life, then it broke.
I'm as confused as a baby in a topless bar.