TIB: communication parameters


TIB: communication parameters

Could anyone tell me what the communication parameters are for
the ti86, for example, baud/stop bits/etc.?  I have written
communications programs before in GW Basic (I think), but I don't
know where to begin writing a simple program to do a direct
connect with my PC.  When I communicate with my old TRS80 model
100, I simply set the parameters for the com port with a DOS mode
command and let the TRS80 do its own thing after I make sure the
com port settings are matched.  I am guessing that the TI86 uses
certain codes to let its communication partner know when it is
ready to send/stop sending or receive/stop receiving--like a
ctrl-Z to signal the end of a file.  I have looked for FAQ sheets
on this question but have not yet found any.  Am I way off mark
here in thinking that I can do anything like this?  Where might I
begin?  Thanks in advance--D

PS.  Communicating with my PC and the TRS80 simply uses DOS MODE
and COPY commands together with the TRS80's built in telecom
program, i.e., no special program written in BASIC for the PC.

Douglas S. Oliver
Department of Anthropology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
e-mail: douglaso@citrus.ucr.edu
    or: dsoliver@earthlink.net