

No offense, but I think this is one of the stupidest project idea's I've ever
heard.  The whole
thing is crazily unrealistic.  First of all, group projects never work.. Daedalus,
the Flight Simulator,
and more have all failed.   This is because you just can't have 4 people try to do
the same thing at the
same time.  Second of all, the idea of cities makes no sense.   You can't program
a city and then hope
to integrate it with someone elses city.  Also, it makes no sense.  What RPGs do
you know where you
just go between 2 cities trading stuff?  Third, Ti-Basic is NOT the ideal platform
for 85 RPGs...
Use ASM..  Ti-Basic is too slow and way too big to support an extensive RPG.  4th,
an RPG project
involving me and someone else is already underway in ASM, with animated fight
sequences, 32
monsters, 8 dungeons, and a 128x128 overworld map. (Yeah, that's over 10000 places
you can go on
the map).  And lastly of all, no one wants to go to some stupid web chat channel.
IRC already has over 40
regular users who talk about calculators every day.

Well, good luck!
- Daniel Walls wrote:

> Ok we have been talking a lot about making a combined RPG but no one has
> really done anything, so I have decided that I will get this thing organized.
> I was trying to figure out how to make a RPG that a bunch of people could work
> on, so I figured how about we have groups of 2 people, each group makes their
> own city.  The game could be called something like Just Cruisin.  And the game
> would focus on 1 or more people just picking to go to cities and from the
> cities they could make money get items and stuff like that.  I dont think we
> should make it be a engine RPG(like NeoHype) but more like a really advanced
> Drug Wars type game.  I could have my RPG ELITE club make the main stuff for
> the game like a thing that keeps track of your money and what city you are in
> and stuff like that.  Then the groups would make the cities.  Like 1 person
> could give ideas and the other one would also give ideas but also program it.
> So I hope you guys want to do this.  If you do want to do this then send me a
> mail.  In the subject put:
> Next Sunday I will send out a list of the people who wanted to join and then a
> week from tomarow we will meet in RPG ELITEs chat room and pair up, then I
> will send out a basic city code just to show how we will be adding items and
> money and stuff, then everyone can start working.  Ok and if you have any
> questions or comments send them in the join mail.  Oh yah the chat room is at:
> or
> <A HREF="">Click HERE</A>
> Thank You-RPG

Follow-Ups: References: