Re: TIB: Re: Wheee


Re: TIB: Re: Wheee

Rosyna wrote:
> About AHSME, appearently my math teacher didn't think I was capable of
> getting a good score on it, as only people he choose got to take it and
> everyone else in my period got to take it. I think I would do better than
> anyone there :)

Heh, yeah, you can't always tell how good people are.
I got above average grades in high/coll. for doing nothing (I have
always been very interested in math and have thus developed a natural
aptitude for it).
My teacher knew how good I _could_ do but couldn't justify giving my any
higher grade than what I got. We had a mid-term, and all the other
egg-heads got top grades (10's or 11's) while I got a 9 (I hadn't
bothered to learn differential equations and that :-)
Well, when exams came, I read up on all the stuff I hadn't been paying
attention to, and figured that I would secure myself a 10.
When I came out I was the merriest person around, going "that was SO
easy!" to myself all the time. Later I found out that everyone else had
had trouble with it, even those other egg-heads. In the end, I got an
11, while the others got 10, 10, and 8.
It was so much fun. These were the people that really worked hard to get
good grades in all their subjects, and they bummed on their main one.
Yes, it's cruel, but I was amused to say the least.

Tell your teacher that I think he is a reactionary ignorant. ;-)

Anyways, here I am at the university and BOY do they know how to make
math boring!?
I haven't been so much behind in math in my entire life. Problem is that
the ones that come here are all more or less wiz mathematicians, the
kind that always found math interesting, and the level is set to reflect
that. Well, I know a lot of people here that are VERY tired with math
all of a sudden. It's disappointing really, to see your main
school-related interest through several years grow uninteresting. :-(

Oh well, now I have computer science instead :-D

          Rene Kragh Pedersen
'How is my lovemaking?
Unmatched '.
