Re: TIB: PinBall is Done


Re: TIB: PinBall is Done

In a message dated 12/7/98 12:27:59 PM Pacific Standard Time,

> 	PinBall is done, but we had to make some changes.  The eight motion ball
>  been reduced to four motion for now,  there has been a level selection
>  levels 1-3, level one is the only one programmed, but I will release more.
>  And we have lost a little speed because of if then statements.  But the
>  is done and will be released tomorrow on this list for download as a group
>  file.  I still havent gotten any responses on this subject maybey you guys 
> are
>  just interested in technical gargan and not game releases or maybey you
>  care, but despite the lack of enthusiasm, I am releasing the game on this 
> list
>  first.
>   				Eric Tamme

I think a pin ball game is a good idea but I bet it would run really fast in
ASM or if it was a string.