Re: TIB: Re: 82 Programming Secret...


Re: TIB: Re: 82 Programming Secret...

It is good to share this information with everyone and I congratulate you
on your finding. But I am sorry to say it but that has been known
throughout the programming community. Or at least me and a few others that
I know. For the last 2 years. But I am sure that those who don't know
benifited from your report.

>TI doesn't tell you where their flaws are in the calculator.  Things such
>as detecting the ROM version wasn't discovered until recently in the 82
>world (I'm talking about 1 1/2 years).
>>Well, I'm not going to talk about how to detect your ROM version since
>everyone already knows how to do that.  I'm going to tell you how to get
>rid of that annoying "Done" message when a program ends.
>I was fooling around with a "dumb" game (I am making a library of dumb
>TI-Basic games created in 2 hours or less) when all of a sudden I realized
>that the "Done" hadn't appeared on the screen and yet the program had
>exited.  I kept fooling around (the next day) with another program to get
>the same result to occur.  It took a while, but I came up with the answer.
>Put the following line of code at the end of any program and "Done" will
>not appear:
>WOW!  A simple (and quite common) command stopped that annoying "Done" from
>appearing.  You probably can come up with several uses for this.  I have
>used it extensively in my latest programs because I hate it when it says:
>Thank you for
>playing the
>            Done
>The # is the cursor.  It looks ugly with the Done even to be on the screen.
> ith my method of removing it, I make it look a whole lot cleaner and more
>professional.  It makes for a nice exit to a program, than a harsh ugly one.
>Tell me what you think about this new finding,
>                 Thomas J. Hruska --
>Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"