Re: TIB: easy getkey


Re: TIB: easy getkey

On Wed, 24 Dec 1997 22:28:23 -0500 (Larry G Currie)
> What is the easiest way to get a list of which
>(some or all) of the five keys of the top row
>(y=/window AKA F1, F2, M1 M2...)?  I am asking
>for any of them to be selected and or deselected.
>I am trying storing a 1 if the key is pressed or
>0 if not,  in a list, but there is too much code
>to undo the 1 if a person  presses the key again
>(deselection).  No action is taken immediately upon
>pressing a key except recording.  The person must
>press enter to continue, then I need to know which
>keys were pressed.  If you know a quick way, post
>it or email me (text only please, no attachments).

Does this help?

For simplicity let's say the key values are k1-k5, since I don't know
which calc you have or the specific values for the keys.

:5-->dimL P        ;for Pressed
:Fill(0,P          ;initialize to zero
:Repeat G==Enter   ;Enter being the value for enter key, 105?
:{P(1) xor (G==k1),P(2) xor (G==k2),P(3) xor (G==k3),P(4) xor
(G==k4),P(5) xor (G==k5-->P

ok the last line of code just changes the status of selection if pressed,
or leaves it alone if unpressed.  If display of selection status is
desired, insert code before End.

BTW, I have thus far received ONE response to my request to test out my
3d graphing program(from one without a graphlink...).  Please, everyone,
just take a few minutes out of your life to goto my web page (works

Download my 3D Graphing Utility for the 85 or 86, and give me your
opinions.  I would like to know what you like (to keep it), what you
don't like (to improve upon), and what you would like to see in future
versions.  I recommend the 85 version since the 86 itself runs about 1/3
the speed of an 85, but the 86 version is slightly smaller.  Both are
under 925 bytes, and the graphs are MUCH clearer than any other program I
have found on TICALC, even actually displaying all 3 axis.  The only
program that even begins to come close is OVER 8 times the size of my
program and is contained in 9 separate programs.  My program is self
contained in ONE program.  The earliest version requires space for a
temporary 13x13 matrix for temporary storage during calculations, but
that's still only 1697 bytes, and is reduced to 15 bytes after graph
completion.  Later versions don't require this temporary storage,
actually are smaller, and start graphing right away rather than having to
precalculate temporary data.

Please just try it AND give me feedback.  Even if you don't understand
how 3D functions work, there are plenty of functions that you can copy
off my web page and manipulate, and you can tell that it's working
properly if it matches the screenshots I put with each equation.  Thanx
and Merry Christmas to all!

The Unibomer

Jared Ivey

"Please don't lie to me, unless you're absolutely sure I'll never find
out the truth." -- Ashleigh Brilliant
