TIB: easy getkey


TIB: easy getkey

What is the easiest way to get a list of which (some or all) of the five
keys of the top row (y=/window AKA F1, F2, M1 M2...)?  I am asking for
any of them to be selected and or deselected.  I am trying storing a 1 if
the key is pressed or 0 if not,  in a list, but there is too much code to
undo the 1 if a person  presses the key again (deselection).  No action
is taken immediately upon pressing a key except recording.  The person
must press enter to continue, then I need to know which keys were
pressed.  If you know a quick way, post it or email me (text only please,
no attachments).  Thanks.
~Larry C  

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Merry Christmas!
