Re: Another linking question


Re: Another linking question

If you followed the instructions you should have a cable that only fits
either com or lpt port.
The lpt is the ones with holes in (And pins in your plug) and com is vice

Be sure to use transfer and test programs that handels the port you use.

And I don't think the question was stupid at all :-)

Bryan Rabeler wrote:

> David Critch wrote:
> > I am new to this so please don't flame me if this is a stupid question.
> > The parallel home-made cable, does that have to connect to the printer
> > port? I have an  open 25pin com2 port. But I read the readme in that
> > came with the link test software and it kept mentioning lpt1. could
> > someone please help?
> The LPT1 port is the printer port.  COM2 is a serial port.  So yes you do
> need to connect it to the parallel (lpt1) port.
> --
> Bryan Rabeler <>
>    File Archives
>    the project -

Jack the Klipper
ICQ: 9900377
