Re: TI-36X animation


Re: TI-36X animation

No, 69! is that highest factorial a TI calc will evaluate on a calc that
goes up to E99.

On Fri, 13 Mar 1998 22:48:22 -0700 Grant Stockly <gussie@ALASKA.NET>
> this a play on words?  (69...)  ;)
>>The easiest way to make it glitch is to cover up the solar panel when
>>is doing something.  The thing that takes the longest that I know of
>>69!  So this is what I sometimes do when I'm bored:  Type 69 and hit
>>3rd, then I cover the solar panel, and about at the point when I can
>>barely see the screen because it is so dim, I hit the ! key.  I leave
>>the panel covered for several seconds, and uncover.  The calculator
>>then do something listed above.  Anotherr way to make it glitch is to
>>hold every key down except on, then hit on.  It will do a simple two
>>frame animation then.  I don't know if this has any effect, but I'll
>>things like punch keys when the panel is covered up after hitting !
>>storing things into memory before I try to glitch it.
>>MiGa wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> somebody has put a book on my calc and when I put it away there was
>>> animation on the display. But I tried every key but there was no
>>> animation. There where only lines and dots but it was very funny.
>>> ne1 know how to make that ?
>>> --
>>> MiGa
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