Re: TI or HP?/games-or-power


Re: TI or HP?/games-or-power

On Thu, 9 Oct 1997 23:06:12 EDT Larry G Currie <larry1492@JUNO.COM>
>True, most computers are bought for applications.
>HOWEVER, computers evolve for games.  No one would buy a new
>PII 300 for Word 8.0, they buy it to have the power that modern games
>And no, a n64 is nowhere in the universe of a PII 300 in terms of REAL

So you're saying that I would have no problem running WIN95, with OFFICE
97, a load of network stuff, along with my email and planner software,
PLUS my copy of quicken on my Tandy 1000?  I think NOT!!   Things like 3D
cards evolve for games, but 85% of hardware is not evolving for games.

-calc 82  <>
For Sale:MINT TI-82, with PC link, MINT manual, ADULT owned, sell or
trade for HP
