Re: TI or HP?


Re: TI or HP?

Hmm lets see.. Ill buy that P2 266 so I can run Wordperfect really fast...
Also I can get my lotus spreadsheets done really fast too.. Ill need 124
megs of ram and a 8mb videocard, ill also need a DVD drive and a 128
soundcard.  And I guess I might as well add a 3D card too... Anyways the
point of this post is that people dont buy computers to *do* stuff with
(usually anyways) they buy them for great game play.. if it is the same
way with caclulators, then so what.. as long as it can add mult div and
subtract and run an ASM program, then what the heck.  If ppl want to buy
calculators with that purpose, then great, because it means that TI and
others will come out with more powerful and faster calcualtors... great
for those of us who acutally use them for math.

On Tue, 30 Sep 1997, d d d wrote:

:It goes to show what the priorities of most people on this list are.
:Such as- "I am going to buy a new calc.  Which one has the best games?"
:Nobody gives a damn what the calc can do, they just want the best calc to
:play games on.
:WANTED:TI-92, prefer something like broken link port to make it CHEAP.

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