Detecting ROM Version


Detecting ROM Version

Let's say I want to auto-detect what ROM version (TI-82) someone has.
Could someone send me some (preferably tested) source code.  This is vital
information for the project I'm working on.  So far I've got nothing except
a half a dozen calculator crashes.  Here is my best lead for source code:

#include "ti-82.h"

.ORG 0
.DB "Test ROM Ver.",0

  ld hl,0              ; 0 -> l, 0 -> h
  ld (CURSOR_POS),hl   ; l -> (CURSOR_ROW), h -> (CURSOR_COL)
  ld A, %10001111      ; Switch to ROM page 7
  out (2), A
  ld A, ($7FFF)        ; Now A should have the version byte
                       ; (note, on the TI-85, it's not the same as the
                       ; actual number, so you'll have to have a list of
                       ; equivelancies in your program).
  push af              ; Temporarily store A on the stack
  ld A, %10001000      ; Switch to ROM page 0
  out (2), A
  pop af               ; Recall A from the stack

  cp $40
  ret Z
  jr KeyLoop


The program seems to work fine until I attempt to exit, at which point it
locks up.  The lines which switch to ROM page 0 are probably incorrect
because I don't know which ROM page to return to.  Any help would be

Thomas J. Hruska

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