Re: graph link problem


Re: graph link problem

At 11:42 AM 12/30/97 -0700, you wrote:
>One very important thing you need to do is make sure that you don't have
>else accessing ANY comm ports.  For example, the HotSync program that comes
>USR's Palm Pilot accesses comm port X.  Even if you're trying to use comm
>with the Graphlink program, it will still probably fail.

If the above were true, I would be unable to use my modem at the same time
as the link, and this is NOT the case.  I use them simulataneously all the
time.  More like there was a port/IRQ conflict between 2 serial ports.  My
modem is on com 1 and my link is on com2, work fine together (but they ARE
on separate IRQs/ports, as they should be).
