Re: TI-82 programmer at your service.


Re: TI-82 programmer at your service.

>So your're saying that you did not think before you typed?  Note that
>nowhere in his post did he say he was going to program games, nor did he
>say he was going to program math-stuff.  You assumed he was talking about
>games.  I said MAYBE he was going to do math stuff.  I DON'T know, maybe
>he is going to do both.

Can I program in Z80 assembly for my TI-82?? Kewl. Well, does anybody know
where I can download a Z80 assembly reference and the tools needed to
insert my apps into the calculator?

>>a waste of time anyway, and don't take 5 hours 5 days a week, anyway,
>>although some I'm sure have.

Who said that? I program cause it's fun. If I get something useful from it
then I consider that to be a positive side effect. Besides, I can think of
many more things to do while in school then programming. How about trying
to *learn* something?

>Weren't you one of the people who said we shouldn't flame so as not to
>get TI involved again?  This is twice you've done it now.  What I think
>is stupid is spending $100 on a calculator, to play games on.  For that
>price you could've gotten a Game Gear that has games 1000 times better
>than any of the calcs.   I bought my calc to do math stuff, as did most
>of the people on this list.

Agreed. Why would I want to play dorky games with poor graphics on a
calculator when I have a *computer* at home that does it so much better? It
doesn't make sense.

/Per Hjeltman

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 of monkeys at an infinite number of typewriters, one would eventually bash
 out the entire script for Hamlet. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this
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