Re: Program for grades...


Re: Program for grades...

I am working on a ti-83..but I guess it is the same as an 82.

Thanks for the change...But Instead of using input, I used prompt and It
kind of worked.(I still can't store and change the variables everytime I
enter a new grade)But this is sufficient for me.  I prompted
A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J ...that's 10...10 grades...
then, I did A*100->A because I input the grades as 19/20 or 15/15 then it
will calculate my percentage...Then I added up all the variables and
divided them by 10 so I could get my average.  Then I asked if you wanted
to calculate more...The I just used the goto command.

I could 1st store my grades in the lists...(STAT...edit...)then when I
have ten grades...I could calculate them. and store it..
Well, thanks for the suggestions..


On Fri, 20 Sep 1996 23:04:14 -0400 (EDT) "Matt Shetler D.O.C."
<> writes:
>If it's for the 82 then write a program like this, it will store the
>grades as long as you don't use that variable in any other program
>because it will change the value:
>Input A
>Input B
>Fix 0
>Disp C,"        Percent"
>  You must make sure nothing is stored in P or T the first time you
>the program. the first input is for your grade. If it goes by percent
>then put in your percent. If it goes by points then enter the amount
>points. The second is for the total possible. So if it is by percent
>you put in 100. If it is by points then put in the possible amounts of
>points on the assignment or whatever. Any questions write back!!
>                         Matt
>On Fri, 20 Sep 1996, Alfred T Chu wrote:
>> Hi fellow ti users...
>> Well, I am trying to write a program that will automatically
>calculate my
>> average grade.( my programing knowledge is very small.)
>> I want to know how to automatically store a grade and use it for
>> ie. I get a 19/20 , 22/25 ... and then when I get my test back, and
>> input the most current will display the averages of all
>> grades..
>> I am using prompt A
>> and getkey...but I don't know how to save A to a "place" and
>clearing A
>> for a new grade.  I can only store 1 grade...I just want to make the
>> calculator keep on storing my grades everytime I input a new
>> giving me the average...
>> I get the average part but I don't know how to make the calc know
>what to
>> divide by...     ie...I have to grades..I have to divide by 2 for
>> average..but what If i have 3 grades, I want the calc to know how
>> grades I have inputed.
>> Well, thanks for helping..
>> Alfred
>> LA, California
