Re: 92's directorys


Re: 92's directorys

poor guy. try using the "\" key..:)

-Paul Bruner

On Tue, 12 Nov 1996, Casey Liss wrote:

> >I know some of you are going to tell me to read the manual, but I don't
> >know how to change the working directory on the 92.  I've done it before,
> >but now I can't remember how, so please give me some assistance.
> Jeezus man!  Let me say this:  READ THE FU!@ING MANUAL!!  Why would you ask us
> if it would take you a mere minute to look it up??
> I just don't get it.  Maybe I'm missing something...
> Casey
> --
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>                      /____/
> Casey Liss, aka Gryffin
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