Re: New Program


Re: New Program

-- [ From: Dave Wollenberg * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

> If your a active programmer like I am and you don't want to carry your
> manual to school.  Just to find out which key is which number in the
> getkey function. IT ONLY 50 BYTES!!!!!!!!!!
> Email me at:

You don't have to be much of a programmer to do something like this. Just do
Lbl 1
If A
Disp A
Goto 1

This program is only 22 bytes!
Dave Wollenberg
...they think that they themselves exist and are importnat and great in
their own eyes. And
can they be great when one night they exist and the next they are lost?
Their days are as passing
shadows and even in their lives they are vanity...  (From Via Passiva in
Early Hasidism)
