Re: Amiga-TI85 link?


Re: Amiga-TI85 link?

Jonas Minnbergh ( wrote:
: Arto Niskanen ( wrote:
: : Daniel Sczepansky ( wrote:
: : : Has someone developed a link package for Ti-85 <-> Amiga yet?

: : I've been succesfully using $4 serial hardware, PC-Task (PC emulator) and
: : TILINK 1.0 by Timo Stenberg. No fancy features, but transfering files
: : and backups to/from TI works.

: I have written a transfer program on the amiga, but only implemented the TI92
: protocol yet. If I get my hands on a TI85 I'll support it too...

If someone is interested in a small beta of this program (and two more), try;

