Re: A92: Functions & Fargo... (ATTN: David Ellsworth)


Re: A92: Functions & Fargo... (ATTN: David Ellsworth)

I have, as I said I would, started on my new autopowerdown changer that takes
an argument.  I am having trouble with it too.  There is no way I could have
gotten even to the point that I am at, however, without Files.txt by Gareth
(the Plane Jump guy).  I feel it's too large to post, so you can ask for it
individually, and I think Bryan Rabeler should post it on  It may
be there, but I couldn't find it.  Anyhow, I would like some sort of tutorial
on this too.  I read testfunc.asm, it has also been very helpful, but we need
more.  So David, I guess I'm just sorta seconding his request ;-)  Thanks.