Re: LF: Need to check whether just the modifier key has been pressed


Re: LF: Need to check whether just the modifier key has been pressed

there is an addy $75a0 or something like that.. It is mentioned in
ports.txt. It says $75a0 Current keypad scancode
test that key each vblank and everything will be fine.

Michael Wulff Nielsen

On Sun, 22 Jun 1997, BJ Neilsen wrote:

> I need help to check whether the HAND modifier key has been pressed.  
> Testing the address for the modifier status flags only works when 
> another key has been pressed, but I need to know if _JUST_ the HAND 
> modifier key has been pressed.  It's important!  It's the natural 
> button for my game, and I must know how to scan for the HAND key.  
> Any help is much appreciated.
> (P.S. I did check PORTS.TXT, so you don't need to mention that)
> ------------------------------------------------
> Apocalypse_92
> Geocities Silicon Valley Community Leader
> ------------------------------------------------
