LF: A java interpreter for the TI...


LF: A java interpreter for the TI...

Hello everybody.

I would like to raise an interesting qustion: how possible is it to 
write a Java interpreter for the TI-92? Sun microsystems states that it 
is possible to write compact interpreters costing up to 70 kb of RAM. 
Of course, this takes up every free RAM available, but when an 
expansion becomes available, it will probably become a tolerante 

I do raise this question not only because I am a big fan of Java, I 
am also a rather practical person: developing 68k assembly skills is 
almost meaningless in nowadays x86 centered world. Of course, it 
might be really funny (and I do share that opinion).

Anyway, a way of porting C code to a TI-92 (is it really a 
calculator? :) is really a very interesting prospect...

Thanks for your attention,
Nuno Costa
Stop the mass genocide in East Timor!

Nuno Miguel Vieira da Costa                                       | Sem a loucura que e o homem,
Email: ncosta@grupo.bfe.pt                                        | Mais que a besta sadia
Web: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/5179 | Cadaver adiado que procria?
________________________________________________Fernando Pessoa____