Re: LF: Bombardment Question


Re: LF: Bombardment Question

I think that the angle should be shown where it is but have the barral of 
the gun on the tank move with the angle.
and also have it not disply the info in hex. 

(if that is possiable? I have tryed it on some programs that I have been fooling with 
but I can't get it to disply in anything that hex, tell me if you can.)

and also make the bullets that the tank shoots a little bigger so that 
you can see it w/o having to ajust the contrast.

Carl Turner

On Tue, 3 Dec 1996, Ed Plese, Jr. wrote:

> I was thinking... In Bombardment, would you like me to put the angle 
> and power displays in the status bar at the bottom of the screen, or 
> would that be too small?
> Thanks
> -Ed
