Re: LF: ASM Question...Help please...


Re: LF: ASM Question...Help please...

On Mon, 2 Dec 1996, Thomas wrote:

> This program is not a ASM program.  It is a 92-basic program.
> You run it from your 92 calculator.  You don't need Fargo,
> just the built in program editor on the 92.
> > tester()
> > Prgm
> > ClrHome         (Or ClrDraw, whichever clears the screen in Asm)
> > For x,1,500
> >   Disp x
> >   Pause
> > EndFor
> > DelVar x
> > EndPrgm
> > 

obviously.  what the man was asking was that somebody supply code that
would mimic this in assembly language.. he provided us with a sample of
exactly what he wants to happen, and is simply asking someone how this
would be written in assembly.. if I knew, I'd post it here; unfortunately,
I don't know much assembly myself, so I won't waste space guessing..

