[A89] Re: Disabling 'Protection'


[A89] Re: Disabling 'Protection'

I have read tict.ticalc.org/doc/j89hw.txt; I just don't understand how to use the instructions listed in it.  Can anyone clear that up for me?
----- Original Message -----
From: Laine Walker-Avina
To: mokomull@cox-internet.com
Sent: May 26, 2003 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [A89] Disabling 'Protection'

--- Matthew Mullins wrote:
> I am trying to port HW2Patch to AMS 2.08/2.09. I figured
> out the I/O ports I need to change (0x700000 and
> 0x700004, lwords), but I can't figure out how to disable
> the Protection on HW2 calculators. Can anybody give me a
> tip to disabling it?
> -MrM

From http://tict.ticalc.org/docs/J89hw.txt:

$1C0000-$1FFFFF: "the Protection" enable/disable
Note: Four consecutive accesses to this range crashes a HW1 calc!
  READ:  Enable the Protection
  WRITE: Disable the Protection
Note: No access to this range will have any effect unless the access is
"authorized," see below.

$21A000-$21FFFF: "the Protection" access authorization
  In order to alter the state of the Protection, THREE consecutive read
  accesses must occur from any of the three ranges above immediately prior
  to the access to the Protection enable/disable range.
  (Note: This is somewhat complicated and I don't know exactly how it works.
   The procedure listed below is probably too strict.  Anyway, this is what
   AMS and the boot sector does.)
  In order to alter the state of the Protection, (at least) SEVEN supervisor
  instruction fetches must occur from any of the three ranges above prior to
  the access to the Protection enable/disable range.  The choice of
  instructions is not arbitrary, it must be one of the following sequences:
  * To DISABLE the Protection:  $4E71, , $4E71, $4E71, $46FC, $2700, $3080, .  The very next access must be the WRITE to the Protection enable/
    disable range.
  * To ENABLE the Protection:  $4E71, , $4E71, $4E71, $46FC, $2700, $3010, .  The very next access must be the READ from the Protection
    enable/disable range.
  ($4E71="nop", $46FC="move #imm16,sr", $3080="move.w d0,(a0)",
   $3010="move.w (a0),d0")


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