[A89] Re: Disabling 'Protection'


[A89] Re: Disabling 'Protection'

lol the thread is closed on the tigcc message board an you come here.

Reverse Enginneer the Hw2 patch then.  How much assembly do you know?

Quoting Matthew Mullins <mokomull@cox-internet.com>:

> I am trying to port HW2Patch to AMS 2.08/2.09.  I figured out the I/O
> ports I need to change (0x700000 and 0x700004, lwords), but I can't
> figure out how to disable the Protection on HW2 calculators.  Can
> anybody give me a tip to disabling it?
> -MrM

23 He (Elisha) went up from there to Bethel; and while he was going up 
the way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him saying, 
"Go away, baldhead!  Go away, baldhead!  24 When he turned around and 
them, he cursed them in the name of the lord.  Then two she-bears came 
of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.  25 From there he went 
to Mount Carmel, and then returned to Samaria.

	- 2 Kings 2: 23-25
