Re: A89: What's Wrong?


Re: A89: What's Wrong?

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2001 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: A89: What's Wrong?

> > Also, in order to create a gravitational field strong enough
> >  to allow a person inside it to travel faster than the speed
> >  of light, you get two results.  First, as the feild was being
> >  created, the person will get destroyed by its immense
> >  gravity.
> Put the person in front of the gravity generator and put
> another much smaller but much closer gravity generator
> in front of the human.  They will cancel each other out.
This "cancellation" is what I am addressing in the next two lines:
> >  The only way to overcome this would be to make the
> >  field nonexistent inside where the person is. Since gravity
> >  is such a long distance force, that cannot happen.
Since gravity's effects cannot be localized due to the reshaping of
spacetime (not true wave cancellation), what will happen is that there will
be a place where there will be two warps in it, instead of one:

Instead of:
---------\              /----------
               \           /
                \        /
                  \    /
                    *    <-- Gravity Generator
you will get:
-----\                    /----------
         \                 /
           \             /
             \         /
          *   \     /  *  First Gravity Generator
          ^     \ /
    Second gravity Generator

> >  Second,
> >  everything around it, (people, buildings, planets, stars)
> >  will all be attracted to it.  The gravitational force would
> >  have to be strong enough to change how the galaxy, and using
> >  Bell's theorem, the universe, looks.  (Not to mention throw
> >  off the Earth's orbit and send us crashing into the sun.)
> Perhaps a "no wake" zone should be established.  :)
Sounds good to me.
