A89: Re: AMS >=2.04 protection


A89: Re: AMS >=2.04 protection

Hi Johan!

> Could someone give me a nice explaination on WHAT, HOW and WHY 
> this protection is? I have a HW1 with AMS 2.05 and I can run 
> TIChess v3.01 many times without archiving it. It seems to work
> just fine... Have I missed something?!?

You didn't notice anything strange because your calc is HW1. HW1
have not built-in hardware protection device, so HW1 calcs are
mostly protection-free (it is not possible to make a reliable
protection for HW1 calcs). As HW2 has one shitty protection device,
it can be programmed to make a lot of bad things. What is new in
AMS 2.04 and AMS 2.05 is impossibility to launch any program which
is longer than 24K (on HW2 calcs) more than once, except if the
program is archived (else, an ugly "HW2 black bar" will appear).

I will send to you a private mail in which I will describe in more
details what is going on. Sorry, I don't want to discuss anything
about protections on the mailing list. If anybody is interested
in details, he/she can mail to me, and I will explain this, but only
if he/she knows details about former protections (else, he/she will
not understand anything).

> (Of course I had to write my own "run stub" because ticstart() 
> refuses to run the program if it isn't archived...  grrr...  I
> *wanted* to see the bug in action...)

This is not a bug: this is a planed shit. Buy HW2 if you want to see
this in action. I don't want to see this any more (I had about 200
crashes with borrowed HW2 because I suceeded to solve this).

