A89: Line 1111 error?


A89: Line 1111 error?

I've been banging my head against the wall trying this piece of code:

; LowDrawSprite( x, y, sprite )
; Draws Sprite at (x,y)
 ; Temp Move x,y to d6,d7
 ;move.w (a7)+,d7
 ;move.w (a7)+,d6

 move.w #10,d7
 move.w #15,d6

 movem d0-d2/a0-a1,-(a7) ; Save Registers

 move.w d7,d1
 move.w d6,d0
 lea mario_standing_0(pc),a0

 jsr graphlib::put_sprite ; Draw Sprite

 movem (a7)+,d0-d2/a0-a1 ; Restore Registers


now if you compile like that, it's fine. However since this is a TIGCC Low
Level Command(for C), I want to read the x,y values from the stack. I tried
the first two commands(uncomment the first pair of commands and comment the
second pair), and I get an error 1111 thing. What's the deal?

I'm still learning assembly so don't bitch at me too much :)
