Re: A89: Re: Frame Rates


Re: A89: Re: Frame Rates

Daniel Wood wrote:
> a well trained eye can see up to 120, normal ppl see around 75, i can
> clearly distinguish between 75, 85 and 100hz on my monitor.

that depends on other things then the freq. too. Like how much afterglow the
monitor has. 
The reason you don't see a lamp as flickery, is because it has a very long
afterglow effect, for example. An old monitor with 60Hz looks much better then a
new with 60Hz too.
As for motion picture, wich I guess the question was in the first place, it
depends on how fast the motion is. video is 24 or 25, depending on if its ntsc
or pal and is enough for most things, except very fast games like quake and

