Re: A89: OT: "Internet law"


Re: A89: OT: "Internet law"

You need to add the little part about international copyright
agreements, which you kind of hint it, bu not really.  Most of he larger
nations which do business with each other have agreements to stop
individuals from each others countries from copying work.  While those
laws vary from country to country, it is in the best interests of both
countries to uphold those laws.


Olle Hedman wrote:
> > internet law is a new thing, but it _does_ exist.
> > you take the laws applying in the country of the server, and that of the
> > client.  the stricter one applies.
> Sorry, but that sounds like total bullshit. Maybe you have something like that
> between states in the US, but not between countrys. If so, only among a certain
> few countries that have signed some sort of agreement, but never, never between
> countries in general. It just doesn't work that way.
> Our laws isn't affected even the slightest by any laws you have. Although, our
> lawmakers might look at your laws, and yours on our laws, and maybe find that
> something sounds good, and maybe that can be a law in our country too.
> Ofcourse it is the law of the country the server is in that regulates what you
> can have on the server. Anything else would be totally absurd.
> //Olle
