A89: Re: Determining the size of a routine


A89: Re: Determining the size of a routine

    I think that TICT has shown a way to do something similar in one of
their C tutorials with the making of functions that are arrays. It's not the
exact thing that you want, but I think it may lead to an answer.
As far as opcodes and their sizes go, there should be info out there on the
sizes of each opcode.  Motorola should have the info for sure if anyone does
(and they should).
    Labels should work... It does in Z80 asm.  You might want to have your
prog display the address that each label represents and see if something is
funny there.

Anyway, I'm far from being an expert on the 89; but I hope this helps!
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----- Original Message -----
From: JHill8075@aol.com
To: assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 3:58 PM
Subject: A89: Determining the size of a routine

Hi! I am trying to determine the size of a routine after it is assembled,
I am having a little difficulty doing so. I put lables at the beginning and
end of the routine, and subtracted them to get the size, but this returned a
value equivilant to about 2MB, which is obviously wrong. Is there a way to
determine the size a specific opcode will be once compiled (or better yet, a
program to do this for me) so I can hardcode the size of the function into
the program (I would have to calculate the size of every opcode in the
routine and add them together to get the size of the routine)? If anyone can
think of another/better way to do this, please tell me. Thanks.


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