Re: A89: Looking to Weave BASIC and ASM


Re: A89: Looking to Weave BASIC and ASM

> Isn't filelib a ASM thing?  I'm looking for a way to get asm on the calc
> without a cable.  I'd like to use the built-in text editor, and then have a
> basic program read that textfile and compile it into a string and then exec
> then string as asm.
> BTW:  Anyone have any really short asm code that needs NO libraries for me
> to test?  If you have it I need the compiled version, but not the *.89Z
> version.  I want the actually bytes, not the header the 89Z file adds.

  Yes, unfortunatly there is no way to open a text file with BASIC.  A couple
of months ago I wrote a R2000 emulator that did something similar though.
Instead of using the text editor, I used the program editor.  Here's a sample:

add v0, v0, v1
jal v0

When the program executed the text is stored into the string testtext that can
be read by a BASIC program.  It's very simple and not too much different to
use then using the text editor.

