RE: A89: How to crash the calc in only 20 keystrokes


RE: A89: How to crash the calc in only 20 keystrokes

Thats how I did it.  It had me pissed that I could pull the batteries
out and when I put them back, the infernal busy thing was there.

Mark E. Scott Jr.

-----Original Message-----
From: SirKnight []
Sent: Friday, June 11, 1999 11:23 AM
Subject: A89: How to crash the calc in only 20 keystrokes

How to crash the calc in 20 keystrokes (works on emu if you don't want
crash your real calc.  Emu is a good way to test for people like me who
don't have a graphlink to back their programs from the calc up).  I was
going to put it on my webpage but didn't feel like starting any programs
other than notepad.  Note, these keystrokes assume that your calc has
been reset but would probably work without a reset (if you can't spend
extra few seconds).  Things like preset graphs or strange window
might mess this key sequence up.

mode Right 5 enter 'change to 3d

<> F1 'Y=

2ND 5 7 4 ) 'type in random function

<> F3 'graph it

| 'shading mode

| 'contour mode  wont see anything, if spun "busy" fades

F2 2 Enter 'zoom in, will see funny lines

F2 3 Enter 'zoom out

<> F1 'Y=  will see funny characters

Up ' Calc display will mess up and then turn black

I've got it down to only 20 keystrokes to crash the calc with graphing.
used to be 35, and 29.  If anyone finds shorter ways then please post.

So, after you tried it how do you fix it?  Take one battery out, hold
down )
and -   (that's right parentheses and minus) and put the battery back
Hold those keys down until you see your calc reset.
