Re: A89: Overwriting ROM (was Re: Linux Port)


Re: A89: Overwriting ROM (was Re: Linux Port)

Scott Noveck wrote:
	You say that you wont share the knowledge, then can I ask how you came
to acquire this knowledge?
	- Matt

> The secret of overwriting portions of the ROM will probably never be shared
> by those of us who know it - it's too powerful.  Wormhole (one of the French
> guys) actually DID write a successful virus, and tested it himself - he
> couldn't FLASH over his calc.  And his antivirus didn't work, so he actually
> had to go into his ROM hex editor (I want one of those =) and fix it. . .
> then again, I'm sure that he could have just screwed it up worse and sent in
> to TI to fix it =)
> Speaking of which, FYI, my calc should be down in Fort Worth now, being
> repaired by TI. . . the graphlink broke and got stuck in the linkport.  I
> convinced them to send me a new calc to calc cable, too =)
> There's no point in porting Linux to a TI - name one feature worth having on
> the calculator.  No Linux programs would be compatible with the calc becuase
> NOTHING is meant to work on a small 2-color LCD screen with such a weird
> input system.  The kernel doesn't have anything that would benefit a calc
> with less than 400k of RAM. . .
> Also, I believe that to write an entire new ROM you must write it to be
> compatible with the bootloader.  A new ROM would have to be Flashed in, not
> sent via a program to overwrite the ROM. . .
>     -Scott
