Re: A89: Internet Link (New language?)


Re: A89: Internet Link (New language?)

A browser for the calc would be simple.  Just make it bare bones like lynx.  (Any
body who doesn't know what that is got to and get a unix box).
Have it toss out all the format codes such as <H> and <B> and keep just hyper
links and put a box for the image.  Another option is have a dedicated server
that's sole purpose was to convert the html for the calculator.  Creating a whole
new language is self defeating.  Only the people who had the calculators would be
able to view them. wrote:

> In a message dated 1/11/99 4:46:04 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> > I agree.  Why create our own standard, when there is already another
> standard
> >  (HTML) that weould serve the same purpose?  If someone could create a TCML
> >  browser, it would be just as easy,  or easier, to make an HTML browser.
> As someone previously said, HTML is made for at least a 640x480 monitor, and
> pages often don't display correctly on that size. (example: HTML is
> a bloated and messy language, and while that's OK for a 233 mhz computer with
> a hard drive that averages about three cents a meg, it simply won't do on a
> calc. While someone could write a simple HTML interpreter, I'd imagine that it
> would hog a lot of memory. With a language designed for the calc, a LOT of
> space can be saved, and the look of the page will be nicer overall.
> I was also thinking that the language could be extremely easy. Someone
> mentioned having a tag on each line that looked something like this:
> (2Welcome to my page!)2
> Would display "Welcome to my Page!" in medium-sized letters. (The standard
> font for the calc. After some thinking, I decided that it could get easier,
> but be based on the same concept, where the first letter or character of any
> line would tell the TCML interpereter what to do:
> C
> 3Welcome to my page!
> H
> B
> L
> 2Do you enjoy calculator games? I do! And that's why I program them!
> This would display "Welcome to my page!" in large letters, centered on the
> screen. (The C). Then, it would make a line (the H) do a line break (the B)
> then display some body text in medium letters, left justified (the L). Having
> one element per command line would make the interpreter smaller and easier to
> write. Not only that, but having only ten or so tags would make it easy to
> use- one simple command sheet could cover the entire language!
> Now does that beat the crap out of HTML for simplicity, or what?

Follow-Ups: References: