Re: A89: Internet Link (TCML and HTML)


Re: A89: Internet Link (TCML and HTML)

At 10:30 PM 01/10/99 -0600, you wrote:
>I was commenting about the developer of the TI-web browser, not everyone
who wants to make a web
>page for the calculator.  Whomever codes the TI-IE or TI-Netscape will
decide what features to
>implement, and which to leave out.

As was I.  There will have to be AT LEAST 4 different browesrs (82/83,
85/86, 92, 92+/89) and if we dont agree on a standard, they will all end up

Bill Risher        Sparr      UIN:1952775    ._, . . . 
Lorenai #44                   FON:9316484164 |_) o | |
Overlord n7hq      Decius                    |_) | | |
mailto://  FAX:9315526807 ^ ` ^ ^ ^
