Re: A89: Internet Link (TCML and HTML)


Re: A89: Internet Link (TCML and HTML)

I was commenting about the developer of the TI-web browser, not everyone who wants to make a web
page for the calculator.  Whomever codes the TI-IE or TI-Netscape will decide what features to
implement, and which to leave out.

-Miles Raymond      EML:
ICQ: 13217756       IRC: Killer2        AIM: MRayMan

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Risher <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, January 10, 1999 10:04 PM
Subject: Re: A89: Internet Link (TCML and HTML)

>>Why code for a certain spec?  That's pointless.  Just take whatever you
>want the >calc browser to
>>handle from the 4.0 spec or whatever the current one is.  You'll be able
>to view >more this way.
>I apologize if this sounds condescending, but this is a BAD IDEA.  Everyone
>knows of the controversy introduced by differing standards between NN and
>IE, and those were only in the seldom used parts of html.  If you just say
>that every coder can make their program read whichever tags they want then
>you will have a problem orders of magnitude larger than that one.
>Bill Risher        Sparr      UIN:1952775    ._, . . .
>Lorenai #44                   FON:9316484164 |_) o | |
>Overlord n7hq      Decius                    |_) | | |
>mailto://  FAX:9315526807 ^ ` ^ ^ ^
